
Like everyone else (everyone?) my everyday thoughts and concerns and tasks seem small and petty when the Ukraine situation flashes into my mind as it does so many times each day. Horrifying, unbelievable, upsetting, inconceivable: only a few words to explain how I feel.

I put ‘everyone’ in brackets because in light of the latest racial targeting reported on the news, if true, and sadly I believe it probably is, it makes me wonder if everyone does care about the Ukraine people across the water: if it does upset them. If those at the border, faced with this horror up close can judge those seeking safety because of their skin color, what does it perhaps say about the bigger picture of our world?

I don’t have some big well thought out rant that I want to expound on, I guess I just needed to write something. I think shocked and disappointed in the world, that this can be happening, is what I feel. That such disregard for humanity can take place for the sake of power and fame.

Just truly saddened.