“SIDE ADVENTURES” – Coffee and the critical additives.

Okay writers and readers, I’m branching out on the site. We all know the importance of coffee: to keep the energy going when you’re on a hot streak, writing that critical scene. To help you chill out with that really good book. To stave off the hungries or the hangries when things aren’t going well. So let’s look at some critical additives that can make your rocket fuel taste even better.

Now I know Bailey’s is a standard – one that my darling wife still loves, but let’s branch out.

Sambuca! I discovered this additive when we first went to the Reef in Mexico, a great, smallish resort that sets up a table by the cenote everyday at 2:00 and serves their special coffees. Sambuca gives your coffee that sweet kick that let’s you know the afternoon is going to be muchos benni. (That’s my combination of Spanish and Italian.)

Malibu rum, or coconut rum, adds a nice milder taste when it’s a more subtle flavor you’re going after. And, if you use a liberal amount, which the coffee seems to be able to handle, well you know the result.

Kahlua is another crowd pleaser, with a kick similar to Sambuca, but obviously with a distinctly different taste. As a side bar, it’s great with plumb, ripe strawberries. Pop one in your mouth and then take a sip of Kahlua – sans the coffee this time. (I threw in a bit of French there)

Last one I want to touch on is Cointreau, a liqueur you might not consider but one that, like the conconut rum, offers a subtle flavor but with an orange tickle. Equally relaxing – as opposed to Kahlua or Sambuca.

Now of course you can add anything to coffee – or tea for that matter, but try those four for starters if you are a beginner. If you are an established expert, add to the list. “SIDE ADVENTURES” – Coffee and the critical additives.