QUESTIONS ANSWERED – An Interview with author Daniel Side

What is the hardest part of writing your books?
Like all of my books, that first time that I sit down to begin chapter one, page one is the toughest. I’ve already roughed out the story and the characters over the past year, so it’s not that I don’t know who or what it’s about, but rather it’s this overwhelming act of commitment at that moment, to this huge project that is going to take over a good chunk of my life for the next many months or years.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?
Although I wrote my first novel basically alone, I did work with a writing group for my second and third novels. Novel four was written alone as it was kind of a personal adventure story. Luckily, while making a presentation to the Hamilton Writers Guild, I ran into Joe, a fellow author of the detective genre who worked with me, supplying valuable feedback of number five and particularly on number six – Expedition Borneo.
What book are you reading now?
Busy promoting Expedition Borneo, so I’m not reading anything at the moment. Last book I read was one by Joe, returning the favor. It’s not published yet but look for Dust in the Wind.
How did you start your writing career?
 I actually wrote my first book with my cousin at age eighteen, one of many schemes to make a lot of money. Before the age of computers, it was written on typewriters using carbon paper. He wrote one chapter and I wrote the next. An English murder mystery, strangely enough it was ignored by the writing world. Can’t imagine why.
I guess my real writing career started when, having grown into an older science fantasy reader, with a family and responsibilities, I had grown tired of elves and dragons. I wanted a classic science fantasy more in line with my older vision of life. To the encouraged of Lynda, my wife, I wrote one of my own, so it would be just what I wanted. It took four years (busy with life, working and raising a family) but I’m still really pleased with The Reedsmith of Zendar.
Tell us about your next release.
My latest release is Expedition Borneo. My goal was to write a classic adventure story, along the lines of The African Queen, King Solomon’s Mines, Treasure Island or Raiders of the Lost Ark: a story with regular characters, facing incredible odds on a mission not of their choosing. I feel I achieved my goal: it has the characteristics of those earlier, bigger than life stories, yet reads like a modern tale.
It’s 1941 on the island of Borneo in the South Pacific, two weeks after the Japanese have bombed Pearl Harbor. She’s on a mission and needs him. He doesn’t realize it, but he needs her. They are characters in trouble that you will care about and root for. He’s not perfect and neither is she, but the attraction is inevitable as they learn about each other and find an unbelievable discovery deep in one of the world’s last unexplored jungles .

One part, exotic, jungle setting, one part romance, and two parts gripping, heart-pounding suspense.