Author Daniel Side returns home after Triumphant World Tour

Okay, so I was going for one of those catchy, “HEY LOOK AT ME – YOU JUST HAVE TO READ THIS”  by-lines like you see all the time on google.

You know, the openings that stretch or mislead you about what the real content is going to be. Lately it’s been about the Rock or the latest Antman movie. Like all of the hyped intros, there is some truth to my Tour. Read on.

So, I did go to another country – yes as in one country. It was a short tour. I did take books with me: five in total to put on the library shelf at the resort we went to. Trouble is, with covid, they did away with the “library”. I did wear my t-shirts advertising my books. I actually was approached twice and handed out two business cards. During the three-week tour – which mostly consisted of eating, discovering mojitos and relaxing on the beach, I did talk to fellow writers, readers and other non-readers, who said they would wait for the movie to come out. I gave away the five books to a nice couple (from Canada of course) who promised to read and pass them on. I discovered that I sold two copies of “TRANSPLANT” on amazon – perhaps a result of this whirl-wind tour.